73 Magazine #169 October 1974
Amateur Radio magazine 73, issue #169. SCELBI has an ad on page 110 for their mini-computer, starting as low as $440. The SCELBI mini-computer is a very early home computer, predating the Altair by around seven months, and it premiered in the March 1974 issue of QST magazine. It was $565 pre-built. Godbout has an ad on page 155, selling the 8008 processor for $50 among many other components. They also have a statement at the top of the page, "Those who have bought the 8008 processor from us or RGS or Cybertronics who are interested in sharing hardward [sic] and software please send full name and address - and we will prepare a mailing list and send it to all who have sent in names and addresses."