We know of three other TR-48 computers. The first is located in Bletchley Park, England (the famous WWII code-breaking center). The Bletchley Park machine is cared for by John Blackburn, his son Chris and the other members of the Retro Beep Collector's Club. [As of about 2005 the Retro-Beep Club has become England's National Computer Museum and the collection is still in the same building.]

The second TR-48 is located in Padova, Italy at the Friends of the World Treasures Computer Museum which is operated under the auspices of UNESCO.

The third is part of the Digibarn collection in California. They have pictures of their machine...note the delivery truck with a lifting gate and the nice pnuematic truck they used to bring it into the barn. We carried ours and almost ruined four backs!
For more information, click on the link(s) below.
     National Computer Museum: Bletchley Park, England

     FWT Computer Museum; Padova, Italy

     DigiBarn; California, USA

If you know the location of any other of these, please let us know by contacting us at info@EarlyComputers.com.